What’s the Point?

How small does a person have to be before they’re entirely insignificant? This meme’s been making the rounds on social media, and I’ve seen it across platforms, posted by numerous friends, and friends of friends. Sometimes the tone of the post is humorous, as in “Just how big a problem is me forgetting the cover sheet on my TPS report?” Sometimes it’s more introspective, with a twist of brooding. Regardless, it pleads for an answer to the question “What’s the point?” I’ve written in a previous post about the four great existential questions: Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny (see OMMD … Continue reading What’s the Point?

The First 1

In the schoolyard of numerals, sometimes it’s important to not be first! This post won’t go into the many details demonstrating that the Genesis account of creation speaks of days as we understand days; that there are no “outs” in the original Hebrew allowing someone to consider that the days presented in Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 are some form of long ages supporting a five billion-year-old Earth. Such meaning isn’t there, and that’s unequivocal. Also unequivocal is the fact that no gap of eons occurs between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Both the day-age theory and the gap theory attempted to … Continue reading The First 1

Your kids don’t believe in evolution? We’ll take care of that.

I’ve split a previous post in order to more clearly present: 1. The goal of evolution (see at this site the post Evolution isn’t a salvation issue, and that’s the gospel truth!), and 2. What some in the American education apparatus consider to be a primary goal of the sciences. To get there, let’s first sample some of the secular thoughts that are in print regarding the tension between evolution and the faith Christians have in God’s account of creation. Here are a couple of quotes from an article written by Tania Lombrozo and published June 29, 2015, at https://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2015/06/29/418289762/don-t-believe-in-evolution-try-thinking-harder (the National … Continue reading Your kids don’t believe in evolution? We’ll take care of that.

Twenty cents in a wishing well

Is it time you shrug off the paradigm of deep time? In the context of evaluating data by way of the scientific method, a paradigm is a construct within which such data is considered. I don’t mind one bit asserting that 2Peter 2:5-6 is a starting place for how I understand the geology of our planet. Although I’m very up front about my paradigm, I don’t always hear or read that kind of disclosure from old Earth scientists who, nevertheless, cling to their belief that the Earth multi-billions of years in age. But, that’s a topic for some other time. … Continue reading Twenty cents in a wishing well

Evolution isn’t a salvation issue, and that’s the gospel truth!

“The Bible was written long before scientists knew anything about the Earth, and modern scholars know that Genesis is a story meant to convey spiritual principles. The whole evolution thing; it’s not a salvation issue.” I hear statements like that frequently; enough to warrant me addressing the issue squarely. Bottom line up front: The theory of evolution (along with the multibillion-year age of the Earth, and the principle of biogenesis – that life arose from non-life) is a lie. They’re all lies. Please don’t lose sight of the fact that naturalistic explanations rule out the Bible, thereby removing God and … Continue reading Evolution isn’t a salvation issue, and that’s the gospel truth!

Wooden You Agree that Evolution is True! (No, it’s not a question)

Did early hominids use construction techniques more complex than we’ve heretofore presumed them capable of using? Or, do modern humans pre-date the place previously assigned to them on the evolutionary timeline? A sample of wood seems to suggest that one, or both, of those assumptions need refining. Or… would it be more scientific to consider that “scientific” dating methods are robbing us all, from mature researchers to elementary-aged school children, of our ability to use reasonable scrutiny when considering past events? Once again, a specimen has been pushed into the limelight to herald the extensive age of the Earth, and … Continue reading Wooden You Agree that Evolution is True! (No, it’s not a question)

Why so many Crabs?

The debate continues among secular scientists who seek to resolve the mystery as to why so many crab varieties exist by placing the question within the context of evolution. Their quest is futile. Crabs didn’t evolve. In fact, nothing evolved. But, “science” as it presents itself today ignores the most basic fact about their favored theory of origins: There is no theory of origins. I finished undergrad, and then did my graduate program, at a B&M university between 2009-2013. Fairly recent, I’d say. I chose to purchase physical textbooks as opposed to buying e-copies. My degrees are in the sciences.  I … Continue reading Why so many Crabs?

Noah’s Days

(Photo retrieved from https://www.gospelimages.com/paintings/11/noah-warns-the-people) 2Peter 2:5 says, “If He (God) did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;” Consider the fact that Noah did not labor in silence as he built the ark. Here, the the Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Peter, informs us that Noah was a “preacher of righteousness.”  The word in 2Peter 2:5 that’s rendered into English as “preacher” is κήρυκα, a form of κῆρυξ. A commonly used word in Greek antiquity outside of the NT, it often was used … Continue reading Noah’s Days

Worshipping God: Have you begun the daily and personal worship of Almighty God?

One “Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness.” Exodus 7:16, CSB   One evening, during prayer, I thought God said that I should begin praying to Him on a small rug that I’d purchased a few years earlier. “Nonsense,” I thought. “God wouldn’t say such a thing. It must have been my own brain saying that.” Having listened to my own brain in the past, and knowing the disastrous places it often led me to, I decided to not listen. Years later, I did listen. I began using that rug in my time with … Continue reading Worshipping God: Have you begun the daily and personal worship of Almighty God?